أهم الأخبارمصر والعالم

The National Network for Women in the Nile Basin Countries

Posted by Samah Saied

The keyword was ranked third ranked first ranked third ranked first in the workshop ranked first ranked third in the dream water and how extreme weather events.

Play a local role in getting the chance to get a payment result in that case

She said: We are suffering in the African continent in particular from floods and droughts from the effects of climate change, and this is what you need to become a representative of the network of peoples’ persuasion, in the future, a future in the sky

She stressed the importance of early warning systems to reduce environmental losses in Algeria, concluding her speech with the phrase “One Nile, One People”.

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سماح سعيد

حاصلة على ليسانس آداب قسم إعلام جامعة الاسكندرية تدربت بالاهرام المسائي وقسم المعلومات بجريدة الأهرام اليومية وعملت بموقع مصر البلد الإخبارية محررة مؤسسات وهيئات خيرية ، وتعمل حاليا صحفية بموقع نافذة مصر البلد مسئولة عن أخبار وزارة التعليم والصحة والبيئة
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